Wonderfully Routine

As someone who values both writing and journaling as important parts of my life, I’ve come to appreciate the beauty of routine. When we think of routine, we might picture a mundane and unexciting schedule, but the truth is that routine can be the key to unlocking creativity and productivity. As a mother, author, and owner of a narrative-based private practice, my life has become busier than ever. However, I find solace in my daily routines, which help me stay grounded and focused on my goals. This also frees up my creativity to flow in areas of my life that don’t require a rigid routine.

With summer just around the corner, I find myself adjusting my daily routines ever so slightly. Instead of writing indoors, I make it a point to jot down my thoughts and ideas outside in the morning air. I also try to be more present and engaged with my family, cherishing those special moments together. And of course, I make sure to carve out time each day to soak up the beauty of being by the water, which I find particularly inspiring. Spring and summer may only last a few months, but the memories and routines we create during this season can last a lifetime.

It can be easy to fall into the trap of constantly switching tasks or letting distractions take over. Without structure and routine, it’s easy to feel unproductive and unfocused. But when we create a routine, we give ourselves the gift of time and space to focus on what matters most.

As a writer, routine is essential to my process. Having a set time each day to write means that I don’t have to waste precious mental energy on figuring out what to do next. Instead, I can dive right into my work with clarity and purpose.

But it’s not just about being productive. Routine can also be incredibly grounding. It provides a sense of stability and consistency in a world that can often feel chaotic and unpredictable. When everything around us is changing, having a few constants in our day can be incredibly comforting.

In French, the term “cadre” refers to a frame or a container. However, it’s also used as a concept that allows for creativity and expression within a box. This idea suggests that having a structure or framework can actually enhance creativity and allow for more freedom within it. The concept of “cadre” can be seen in many aspects of French culture, from the strict rules of classical French cuisine to the poetic structure of French literature. By providing a framework for creativity, a “cadre” encourages individuals to push boundaries and experiment within established rules, resulting in unique and innovative expressions of art and culture.

Similarly, having a routine in your daily life can provide a similar framework or structure that allows for creative expression and productivity. Just as a cadre sets limits and guidelines for artistic expression, a routine can set limits and guidelines for how you spend your time and energy. By having a routine, you can create a sense of stability and consistency in your life, which can in turn free up mental energy for more creative pursuits. Like a cadre, a routine provides a foundation for growth and expression, while still allowing for flexibility and exploration within those defined boundaries.

Of course, everyone’s routine will look different. What works for one person might not work for another. But that’s the beauty of routine – it can be customized to fit your needs and preferences. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, there’s a routine out there that will work for you.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or creatively blocked, consider implementing a little routine into your daily life. Start small – set aside a specific time each day for writing, journaling, or whatever creative pursuit you’re passionate about. It may take some time to find your groove, but once you do, you’ll wonder how you ever functioned without it.

Routine may seem boring and stifling, but it can really help unlock creativity and productivity. By incorporating routine into our daily lives, we can focus our energy on what matters most and find a sense of stability. So let’s embrace the wonderfully routine and see where it takes us.